
Showing posts from January, 2021

Mental Illness: Getting Our Minds Around The Facts

A recent survey by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) found that many people know little or almost nothing about the warning signs, causes and effective treatments for mental illnesses-even though in any given year, one in five Americans suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder. Each year, more people suffer from a mental illness than from cancer and diabetes combined. Research shows that mental illnesses are caused by genetic and environmental factors, traumatic events and other physical illnesses and injuries. Yet one-third of Americans mistakenly believe emotional or personal weakness is a major cause of common mental illnesses and almost as many think old age is a major cause. As a result, many Americans may not get the help they need. Mental illnesses are real and treatable. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the rate of successful treatment for depression (70 to 80 percent) is much higher than the rate for other chronic illnesses such as heart ...

New Technology For Chronic Pain Relief

  When we experience pain in any part of our bodies, it is usually an indication that something is wrong. The intensity of pain can range from mild and occasional to severe and constant. A sudden and sharp pain is called acute pain. It may either be mild that lasts for a short while, or may be severe that lasts for weeks or even months. Acute pain usually disappears as soon as the underlying cause of pain is treated or healed. However, when acute pain persists, it may lead to chronic pain. Even when an injury has healed, chronic pain continues to remain active for weeks, or months, even years. While some chronic pain may have been caused by an initial trauma or infection, some people may suffer chronic pain in the absence of any past injury or illness. For people suffering in pain problems, modern advances in medicine provide new methods for chronic pain relief. Over the years, chronic pain had been dismissed as something that is just in the head. However, modern technology has de...

The Challenge in Diagnosing Chronic Appendicitis

  Chronic appendicitis usually refers to a milder form of the illness. Chronic appendicitis is very rare and its symptoms are less pronounced, in some cases even undetectable. Judging by its gravity and rate of development, appendicitis can be either chronic or acute. Acute appendicitis is very common and it is characterized through intense symptoms and fast rate of progression. Chronic appendicitis has a very low incidence in people and it is characterized through milder, almost unperceivable symptoms and a slow rate of progression. The general symptoms of appendicitis have an unspecific character. While acute appendicitis is considered to be difficult to detect, chronic appendicitis is almost impossible to detect relying only on the patients reports of symptoms. For instance, while patients with acute appendicitis experience abdominal pain, high fever and nausea, people with chronic appendicitis may only experience a generalized state of fatigue and illness. The only effective me...

Risk Factors for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  When a child regularly feels down and does not exhibit an interest in playing or going to school, it may already be signs of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This is a complex disorder characterized by profound fatigue and is not improved by bedrest. It may even be worsened by strenuous physical activities or excessive mental exertion. Children with CFS usually functioned at a much lower level of strength even before the onset of the illness. A child suffering from CFS may also show signs of general weakness, muscle pain, impaired memory or poor mental concentration, insomnia, and post-exertion fatigue that lasts for more than 24 hours. To better understand this mysterious illness that afflicts thousands if not millions of children around the world, a team of researchers conducted a study to determine the connection between this specific illness to stress and emotional abuse. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), childhood trauma increases the child or adults’ r...

Finding a Home for Those with Chronic Mental Illness

  For those who have a family member or close friend with a chronic mental illness, life can be filled with challenges. Chronic mental illness takes its toll on families, who often don’t have the training or emotional resources to adequately care for their loved ones. It’s difficult to navigate the waters of the legal and mental health care systems, and doubly difficult to find a good home for a loved one with a mental illness who can’t live on his or her own. Despite a family’s dedication and willingness to do whatever it takes to ensure that their mother, father, brother, or sister receives the care he or she needs, it’s not always clear what housing and care options are available or suitable. Here, then, is a review of six of the most common types of housing and care available for those with a chronic mental illness. Nursing Homes: Because those who are mentally ill sometimes are in need of long-term medical care, there are times when a nursing home might be necessary or appropr...

Nine Things You Should Know About Yoga for Children

  Here are some guidelines and realistic expectations for parents, who are considering Yoga for their children. For your child, Yoga is much more than a kid’s fitness class. Just like adults — kids need time to learn to deal with life’s daily pressures, too. Make sure your child starts with easy postures, and be patient with your child’s progress. Some beginner children can often be more flexible than advanced adult Yoga practitioners, but they dont know their own limitations. Discover your child’s real passions. When your child wants to go to Yoga class, it is much better than what you want for your child. This is not to say that you should avoid guidance. However, it is not advisable to push a child into a Yoga class, if your child doesn’t enjoy it — no matter how popular Yoga may be. All children are different, and what is good for one of your children, may not agree with another. Encourage your child to see the deeper benefits of Yoga: Learning to live within the moment, and ap...

Yoga Questions and Answers

  What is Yoga? Yoga is a very old way of life that came from India that encourages personal health, spirituality and wellness. It doesnt clash with any religion but does have an influence on our spiritual path. What Yoga is not: a religion, a circus act, looking intently at a candle in roomful of smoky incense, or just for adolescents who are flexible. To practice correctly you need discipline, concentration and attentive breathing. The effect of serious Yoga practice is an excellent union of mind, body and spirit. No matter your age, knowledge, body shape, or physical skills can implement a Yoga program. Hatha based or alignment Yoga has been around for approximately 5000 years. More and more medical practitioners and therapists are using Yoga as a remedy for many kinds of poor health conditions. The rewards of Yoga practice are numerous and consist of increased strength and flexibility, cardiovascular vigor, healing injuries, produces mental clarity and emotional balance. Most s...

How to find the right Yoga teacher?

  I am often asked by beginners about how to evaluate a Yoga Teacher? The following is the CALM check list. These factors are basic criteria that your Yoga Instructor should meet before you continue on to a second Yoga class. CALM gets it name from four main factors: Communication, Assist, Listen, and Modification. For the right Yoga teacher, you should be answering with a yes to all questions. Communication: Does your Yoga teacher talk to you, and other students, in a manner of mutual respect? Can you ask a question during class time? Does your teacher show compassion for you and other students? Does your Yoga teacher take the time to lead you through a guided meditation or relaxation? Meditation and relaxation are major aspects of Yoga practice. There are Yoga teachers who just want to get “their workout” done. Beware of Yoga teachers, who are so important, they dont have time for you. Some students love this air of superiority and, unfortunately, some people love abuse. If you w...

Does Yoga Normalize Body Weight?

  Many people are first drawn to Yoga as a way to keep their bodies fit and supple. Others come seeking relief or help for a specific ailment like tension or Backache. Whatever your reason is, Yoga can be a tool in giving you both what you came for, and more. Though the practice of Yoga is closely associated to ancient texts, beliefs, and values, it also yields benefits useful for people’s practical daily lives. Here are some reasons why more and more people are practicing Yoga: 1. Yoga relaxes the body and the mind. Even in the midst of stressful environments, Yoga helps control breathing and clears the mind of cluttered thoughts, leaving only deep physical and mental refreshment. 2. Yoga can help normalize body weight. For people who are either overweight or underweight, Yoga Exercises can help achieve the desired weight. The principles of balance and moderation in physical activity and diet under Yoga can also lead to a healthier lifestyle. 3. Yoga improves your resistance to di...

Green Living And Your Neighborhood

  Green living is no longer a vague term known only by environmentalists. One of the ways we know that an important social trend has hit the big time is when major consumer providers adopt the term. Just about every major influencer in our society from Walmart to national broadcasting networks, are using the term to promote products and attract audiences. Green living is a welcome lifestyle that individuals, families and companies are choosing to ensure that the things they do and the products they use have as little an impact on the environment as possible. One of the best ways that you can build this thinking into your lifestyle is to live in a community that subscribes to green living. If you are among the population of people who live a green lifestyle as a member of a rural community, you are in a good position. I would suggest, however, that you think about ways you can support a lifestyle movement that seeks to protect rural areas of our country (like your community), by mak...

Green Drink for Constipation

  A green drink is a powerful drink that can help detoxify your colon and your blood. This drink keeps your colon and your whole body working better and longer. There are many types of green drinks that are prepared with powders. But the green drink that I like is made using only liquid chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has many benefits. It is capable of neutralizing substances that cause cell mutations and strengthens the cell walls of the small intestine and colon. It has an exceptional deodorizing effect on your body and on the stools you have during a bowel movement. I drink my green drink the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This helps to activate your colon and stimulate it to have a bowel movement. Heres how I prepare my green drink. * Add 1-2 oz of pure liquid chlorophyll into an empty glass (you may want to start with a tablespoon or two) * Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the glass * Fill the glass with 8 oz of distilled water * Drink the combination completely ...

Drink A Glass Of Mangosteen Juice For Health Benefits Every

  Fruits and vegetables have always been an important part to a healthy diet. Along with daily exercise and your body will reward you with great energy and radiating skin. This is no secret; it’s just plain fact. Choosing the Proper Fruits While some of us love our vegetables and fruits, some of us barely eat a handful a week. Eating the proper foods is a part of promoting good health. Learn a bit about your daily diet and you’ll be able to eat right even if you dont consume the exact amount needed daily. The mangosteen is a fruit that is filled with all the vital vitamins and minerals required to provide that needed dosage for good health on a daily basis. The Mangosteen Fruit Grown in the tropical land of Southeast Asia several centuries ago, the mangosteen tree needs warm temperatures and large amounts of rain to grow. Nonetheless, its growth is very slow and it achieves its peak-season in about 10 years. By then, it starts to produce large quantities of mangosteen fruit yearly....

Boost Energy Drink: The Beverage That Will Keep You Active

  Majority of the busy people today are drinking energy drink. This is because they believed that it could really supplement them energy and strength. And of course, it could keep them awake which is ideal for longer hours of working. But what is really energy drink? Energy drinks are beverages which contain big doses of caffeine and other stimulants such as guarana, ginseng and ephedrine. Most of these energy drinks contain over 80 milligrams of caffeine which is equal to a cup of coffee. Energy drinks are available for people ages 30 years and below. They are significantly famous to college students, athletes and corporate employees. An example of these energy drinks if the boost energy drink. Boost energy drink is an energy drink which is intended to set the bounce back in your system. Most Americans consume this kind of energy drink which usually leads them to have proper nutrients. Some say it is a nutritional beverage, while others consider it as simply a beverage. According ...

How you should drink tea if you have Headaches, Migraines

  How you should drink tea if you have Headaches, Migraines, High Blood Pressure and Stress .. Many people have heard and seen the many advertisements about tea and its various cures and benefits. Along with weight loss, cancer fighting, and other cellular benefits curing Headaches and Migraines while reducing stress is among the top advertised. But when I see these ads, I think Why ? After drinking tea for a while, including Green Tea, Oolong Tea, Rooibos, Lemongrass, and a wide listing of organic herbal blends, I have found that I dont really know if I am fighting cancer inside my body. But I do know that tea can greatly help me to balance out a stressful time, and help get rid of and prevent headaches. Simply drinking tea, especially some of the herbal blends specifically mixed for the occasion, can help with headaches, and you will receive all other benefits from the actual tea itself. But only drinking the tea in itself will not allow you to fully maximize all the potential, e...

Food Addiction And Recovery Facts

  Food Addiction And Recovery Facts Yes, there is such thing as food addiction. This is the time when good food becomes bad. Food addiction is a term given when someone makes food the outlet for his or her problems, whatever the cause may be. Food addiction has an easy recovery. But first, you have to know what causes the stress in the person to eliminate his or her addiction. Usually, the craving for food, even if the person is not hungry, is caused by emotional problems engaged in the persons life. Once a dysfunctional habit is maintained with food, there is a risk to always be starving or over-eating. When food is used as a getaway tool for problems, it becomes unhealthy and can lead to life threatening outcomes. Dont mistaken food addiction with over-eating in food gatherings or occasions because that is totally expected. Over-eating in parties or holidays is normal and can bring back the person into his or her daily eating habit after. Food addiction is far beyond than that. I...

Food Allergies: Recognizing Which Food Products Arent For You

  Food Allergies: Recognizing Which Food Products Arent For You Allergic reactions occur in most people in one form or another. But among the most common types are food allergies, which cause adverse immune system reactions when you ingest a certain food protein. It can be as simple as peanuts, or even shrimp, but the basic principle of reactions is the same. How The Body Reacts To Allergens In Food How much the body will react when exposed to a food allergen ranges from mild irritation to anaphylaxis, which has the whole body reacting to the allergen and even possibly causing death. Depending on the severity of your allergy, reaction to food allergens can occur from a few hours to even just a few seconds after ingestion of the food containing the allergen. In some types of reactions, it may be that there is just some mild tissue swelling, being itchy and irritating at the most. Of course, the swelling varies, so it can also cause obstruction in the air tract and causing difficulty...

Guide to cooking and preparing food the right way

  Guide to cooking and preparing food the right way Cooking may seem easy when you look at it but the truth is it involves a lot of hard work. When you are cooking food, you are not only putting them inside the pan and stirring them, you are also cutting the food, curing the meat and peeling them. The preparation in fact is 50 percent of the whole procedure. Preparing and cooking the food will take a while to master especially when you dont have much experience doing it. But you dont have to take the hard road and learn the lesson the hard way. By heeding these small pieces of advice, you can be cooking and preparing your food the right way and in the easiest possible way. 1. Master the measurements Measuring tools are actually your best friends next to recipes. They are the ones that will help you achieve the taste that you are looking for. If you use them well, you will be having great tasting food every time. You see, a lot depend on the measurements that you do. Too little salt...